specialise in wayfinding solutions for business eco systems & OEMs
Easier business navigation
Funnel and condense end to end business eco systems inspite of their current state into visual maps, index and taxonomy for supporting projects before and during and after change.
Locate hard to find components
OEMs in IOT and evolving technologies - in need of components that are not easy to find for research purposes; in small numbers without minimum order quantity (MOQ)
about us
Factdelta is a UK based design and architecture consultancy.
Our competency originates from carrying out design and architecture engagements that drive transformational change - some directly for end clients and some via service providers.
We have consistently helped end customers capture views of their business in a way that traceability and metrics are wired throughout the business. Our current capability supports concepts of the fourth order of design, aspects of enterprise grade search semantics and business taxonomies.
The service is unobtrusive - complements current state and yet generates situational awareness blueprints and business requirements for businesses facing urgency and continuous change.
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